Jag drömmer om ett Göteborg som mitt hem, drömmer om Gustavsbergsporslinet jag hoppas en dag kunna köpa, drömmer om motion och träning för en smal kropp. Saknar solen som bränner på min rygg, saknar att dricka te med min isbjörn, saknar att finnas och saknar att vara bortglömd. Drömmer om att fly dit ingen vet mitt namn och saknar att vara din som ingen annans.
Hi Bea!
SvaraRaderaYour blog is soo lovely. :3
And although I can't understand your entrys, I enjoyed looking at the pictures. :D
I also think that your headline-picture is beautiful. Did you paint it by yourself? If this is the case, how did you do this?
I'm really looking forward to hearing your answer. Thanks!♥
x - Emily
Hi Emily!
RaderaThank you, glad you like it!♥ Maybe I should fix a translation in my posts so more people can read them?
And yes, I have designed the headline-picture myself in photoshop CS5, though I had pictures that I used as inspiration. How I did it? I just drew it with the various brush tools in Photoshop.
Wonderful to hear from you and I hope you continue to enjoy my blog.
Eskimo Kiss! -Bea